96 Woodside Petroleum Ltd|Annual Report 2018
Table 15 - Executive KMP share and equity holdings
Details of shares held by executive KMP including their personally related entities1 for the 2018 financial year are as follows:
Type of
Opening holding
at 1 January 20182NEDSP3
Rights allocated
in 2018
Rights vested
in 2018
Shares granted
Net changes
- other4
Closing holding at
31 December 20185
Non-executive Directors
R Goyder Shares 12,500 1,744 - - - 1,390 15,634
M Chaney6Shares 20,000 - - - - (20,000) -
L Archibald Shares 1,088 1,106 - - - 120 2,314
M Cilento Shares 3,559 944 - - - 396 4,899
F Cooper Shares 6,396 1,133 - - - 711 8,240
C Haynes Shares 7,565 1,106 - - - 841 9,512
I MacFarlane Shares 873 986 - - - 97 1,956
A Pickard Shares 2,376 1,178 - - - 264 3,818
S Ryan Shares 5,748 986 - - - 639 7,373
G Tilbrook Shares 7,153 - - - - 796 7,949
P Coleman Equity Rights 682,766 - 110,884 (117,148) - (85,725) 590,777
Shares 349,443 - - 117,148 37,822 (38,066) 466,347
M Abbott Equity Rights 38,111 - 7,334 (7,367) - (3,736) 34,342
Shares 15,996 - - 7,367 4,721 (5,000) 23,084
S Duhe Equity Rights 15,000 - 1,021 - - - 16,021
Shares - - - - 439 - 439
R Edwardes Equity Rights 81,353 - 14,033 (14,103) (6,785) 74,498
Shares 42,244 - - 14,103 6,727 63,074
S Gregory Equity Rights 45,824 - 7,587 (9,323) - (2,645) 41,443
Shares 20,754 - - 9,323 4,831 (7,128) 27,780
P Loader7Equity Rights 48,670 - 10,221 - - (58,891) -
Shares 37,693 - - - 5,179 (42,872) -
R Matisons Equity Rights 50,072 - 7,775 (10,080) - (,782) 41,985
Shares 38,404 - - 10,080 3,712 (16,496) 35,700
M O'Neill Equity Rights - - - - - - -
Shares - - - - 133,366 - 133,366
M Utsler8Equity Rights 56,460 - 14,188 (1,089) - (69,559) -
Shares 51,449 - - 1,089 9,586 (62,124) -
1. Personally related entities include a KMP's spouse, dependants or entities over which they have direct control or significant influence.
2. Opening holding represents amounts carried forward in respect of KMP.
3. Related to participation in the Non-executive Directors' Share Plan (NEDSP).
4. For NEDs only (excluding M Chaney), related to participation in the entitlement of one new share for every nine shares held on the record date of 19 February 2018, under the Entitlement Oer
announced on 14 February 2018.
5. Closing equity rights holdings represents unvested options and rights held at the end of the reporting period. There are no options and rights vested but unexercised as at 31 December 2018.
6. Mr Chaney ceased being Chairman on 19 April 2018.
7. Mr Loader ceased being KMP on 28 February 2018.
8. Mr Utsler ceased being KMP on 27 April 2018.