124Woodside Petroleum Ltd|Annual Report 2018
D.5 Other financial assets and liabilities
USm USm
Other financial assets
Other financial assets at fair value through profit
and loss
Otherfinancialassets  
Total other financial assets  
Current  
Non-current  
Net carrying amount  
Other financial liabilities
Financial instruments at fair value through profit
and loss
Derivative financial instruments designated as
hedges  
Other financial liabilities at fair value through
profit and loss
Otherfinancialliabilities  
Total other financial liabilities  
Current  
Non-current  
Net carrying amount  
Recognition and measurement
Other financial assets and liabilities
Other financial assets and liabilities, including sales contracts
containing provisional pricing features, are initially recognised at
fair value on the date the contract is entered into and subsequent
fair value movements are recognised in the income statement.
Derivative financial instruments
Derivative financial instruments that are designated within
qualifying hedge relationships are initially recognised at fair
value on the date the contract is entered into. For relationships
designated as fair value hedges, subsequent fair value movements
of the derivative are recognised in the income statement. For
relationships designated as cash flow hedges, subsequent fair
value movements of the derivative for the eective portion of
the hedge are recognised in other comprehensive income and
accumulated in reserves in equity; fair value movements for the
ineective portion are recognised immediately in the income
statement. Costs of hedging have been separated from the
hedging arrangements and deferred to other comprehensive
income and accumulated in reserves in equity. Amounts
accumulated in equity are reclassified to profit or loss in the
periods when the hedged item aects profit or loss.
Fair value
The carrying amount of all other financial assets and liabilities
approximates their fair values.
Foreign exchange
The Group had no material other financial assets and liabilities
denominated in currencies other than US dollars.
D.6 Segment assets and liabilities
USm USm
(a) Segment assets
NWS  
Pluto  
Australia Oil  
Wheatstone  
Development  
Other segments  
Unallocated items  
 
USm USm
(b) Segment liabilities
NWS  
Pluto  
Australia Oil  
Wheatstone  
Development  
Other segments  
Unallocated items  
 
Refer to Note A.1 for descriptions of the Group’s segments.
Unallocated assets mainly comprise cash and cash equivalents
and the Group’s deferred tax assets. Unallocated liabilities mainly
comprise interest-bearing liabilities and deferred tax liabilities.
for the year ended 31 December 2018